Fancy Frames Brush Set 2Lileya on DeviantArt

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Lileya's avatar

Fancy Frames Brush Set 2



The brushes were made in Photoshop CS and they are compatible with the higher versions of Photoshop.

:bulletpurple: Fancy Frame Brush Set 1 :bulletpurple: My Photoshop Brushes :bulletpurple:

The terms of use

The brushes are for non-commercial use only. You may use them for DA prints and charity projects.
If you use them please credit me with a link to ~Lileya
Please let me know if you use my brushes. Send me the link at your work. I'd like to see and maybe to +fav it.

How to install brushes:

1. Save the file in your Photoshop Brushes folder: Your disk:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\Presets\Brushes.
2. Open Photoshop and choose the load brushes feature on the menu.

Comments and :+fav:'s are welcome. :)
© 2009 - 2025 Lileya
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I am creating a Christmas gift for my daughter. She is building a Victorian model home and I want to frame their wedding picture to fit in the 1/12th dimension. I will be printing image to a 3" square canvas. I am very new to the Photoshop era and using CS2. Thank you for the designs. Wish me luck as this is only my second project in PS.