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May 22, 2020
XVI saint by Liktar
Featured by RezaBisuto
Liktar's avatar

XVI saint



OC profile picture.

Wow, two in a row. I just realized that I have a lot of birds, and I should start to move my drawing butt more actively to finish their presentation at least by 2022.

I will tell why he has the last number in this weird-skullbird-circle. Someday.

Bullet; Red I do NOT give permission to use character and/or image for role-playing or anything else, it is already used by me, already has own story and love of the creator, yo.Bullet; Red


Name: Parrot
Called: Waka, "god of Chaos"*
Title: 16th Saint
Age: Ancient
Species: Gargoyle
Sex: Sexless
Pronouns: he/him


Waka has no moral position and an exact "big" goal. He lives for the pleasure of the moment, and is a hedonist. Parrot doesn't have big love to other creatures, as well as he doesn't hate them. He simply pursues only joy-related goals and ignores other's comfort and feelings. This ignoring of feelings also applies to his entire feathered folk.

He's one of birds who loves to interfere in the process of building stories and trying his best to find the most pompous role in them. Birdie prefers to play the role of "an evil deity of some pretentious nonsense" ["good" gods may also require bloody sacrifices, but the evil ones always have cool-looking outfits!]. Although, unlike some gargoyles (Logic or Imba), he usually fails "deity audition". As a rule, he's "a first/oldest vampire" in history, or a "common creature which knocked our door one day". That's because of his casual personality and "too-commoner-like" behavior mostly [he is simply ignores consideration of the "interest community" issue in terms of a socio-moral skeleton and his thoughts are pretty easy-going and plain], but also due to "vampire things"*.
Parrot loves Houses, their markets, hookahs, bars, and so on. He is ready to use various peaceful shape-shifts just to get in there and relax. I would say that he makes friends for revelry better than he pretends to be something big and scary. However, sometimes he succeed in "god's emploi try" in pre-created cults. Then he searches fun in reduction their pathos to the level of a delusional joke. Waka loves to create tremendous inconveniences for both “unbelievers” and “believers" by driving them mad with parrot's foolish orders and jokes. Also he wants a cracker;
Kinda, common trickster.
But he doesn't seek any deep idea in all that and has no particular management/participation plans. And therefore he can be easily bored of started "deity invention" and flit from one thing to another pretty fast. After all, being a god, even a fake one, can be pretty "stuffy".

In the family, Waka is "Uncle Rogue/Jester"; Parrot jokes vulgar jokes, allows himself voicing pretty personal and offensive but forthright phrases. Also, he brings gifts and tries to set monochrome birds to a more positive and easy attitude to life. Most of the family treats such a behavior indulgently, with individual cases of ardent rejection. Or vice versa, great curiosity and interest in collaboration. Somebird may think that it's fun to be around with spontaneous & optimistic black bird.


  • Concentrated black-red pathos;
  • Enthusiast, very energetic and curious dude;
  • Non-aggressive;
  • He is a hedonist, so everything that brings pleasure, - starting with fun parties, ending with lying on the roof and counting pines, - is in his preference;
  • Likes jokes, puns, and " down-to-earth" enough to understand inside-humor of some Houses [I'm not saying that he makes good jokes though];
  • He loves poppies. Flowers. Well, poppy seed rolls too;

*["vampire things"] - 1) In many really funny houses with a lot of pleasures (which Waka may be interested in), vampires are not considered “cursed/endowed with a divine gift”, and are exclusively “sick ones which need a cure.” As a result, the “Deity of blood or other rubbish" will not impress such Houses. 2) Even Waka is forced to receive an invitation to the House with an antivirus. But he may fail receiving it. And crawling between walls due to fear of light bulbs, water and garlic...well, all that doesn't look like "a divine behavior" at all, to put it mildly.

["god of chaos"] - This is about the (only one invented at the moment) place where he managed to play with the priests in faith. More about this later.


Reference & cloth: [Well ... that’s...still works. I'm too lazy and he's too simple] + there's vampire origin lore text;
ToyHouse profile: [Waka]

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889x800px 669.73 KB
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