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IX Saint


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Character  Occas


OC profile picture.
To draw this puzzle was like combining a real one.

Bullet; Red I do NOT give permission to use character and/or image for role-playing or anything else, it is already used by me, already has own story and love of the creator, yo.Bullet; Red


Name: Nightjar
Called: Occas, Churilla
Title: Ninth Saint
Age: Ancient
Species: Gargoyle
Sex: Sexless
Pronouns: he/him


Occas is pretty easy-going fella, despite couple of quirks. He's a researcher, experimenter, archivist; interested mostly in nature.

Occas has pretty romantic kind of approach to exploring the world around him. He makes researches only because of joy during this process and feels a true satisfaction while gaining new knowledge. And, perhaps, this is the very bird that should be consulted about local lore, since he tries to take notes about things discovered and tell the truth. Although, he may be mistaken. Times are different,  the world are dynamical and is reshaping, new tabs of the universe appear, old Houses fall and new ones raising, scientists discover something new again and again. Once common truth may become obsolete in perspective of infinity and this inspires and delights this bird.

He loves and wants to share pieces of knowledge and all these "mysterious secrets" he has with anyone who wants to know. He is not even annoyed when he has to explain the same thing several times if the interlocutor cannot understand something. But he is TOO SHY to tell smth or give advice on his own. He needs to be asked (+ to be found for this, first of all). In this case, when someone needs help with magic or encyclopedic advice, his doors are open even for those who, in his opinion, need a strong reform of life priorities (Although an unpleasant conversation in this case is still possible).

But his shy basics and indulgent trait don't mean "absolutely peaceful". Birdie can be triggered. Occas has a personal disagreement with some of society- and moral- things, and when conversation approach to "rules of decent behavior" and "religion positive influence" topics, he demonstrates his "personal dislike", and a debate on such topics may be pretty hot and loud. Although in the end he will be ashamed and sad anyway. Controlling emotions and communication masks is definitely not his thing.

Occas doesn't like everything myth-, beliefs-, and etc. "not true" stuff, but his image has a surreal perception among locals. Moreover, he gained this "mystical pattern" pretty early due to the behavior of this bird in the very beginning of Houses forming. Besides his creepy wide smile, his fame was distorted due to loner lifestyle: he lived far from ppl and avoided acting in social events. Most suspicious dudes were sure, that this gargoyle has very scary, magical, and harmful secrets inside his big head. They also often saw a giant shadow of Death in the direction where this bird went.
Rumors and myths occurred because of beings' desire to guess the truth this secretive person hide. And Occas was too busy with his observations of the nature and too shy to show/tell anyone what he was working on. Perhaps "This thing is unlikely to interest you" is not the best way to explain stuff, hm.

The situation changed later, and Nightjar became a little less “distant” and some more talkative, but the first impression is the first impression.

His image appears in a couple of beliefs: in monotheistic option he's a "Saint Occas, the Patron of Hidden Knowledge";  also exist small "Churilla's" sect. Besides that, his shadowy image has some small legends and fairy tails. But he personally refuses to act in local's "weird and dumb stories", - as he says himself, - and avoids communication with religious fanatics/"holy storybook" thumpers;

  • Chaotic good;
  • Lives by inspiration;
  • Unskilled in hiding emotions and mood, sometimes looks eccentric;
  • But usually his emotion is self-embarrassment and mood is "scared to talk";
  • Pretty friendly but extremely shy;
  • Actively contacts with Houses [using "the-most-ordinary tabula rasa of a very-small-very-usual-local-being"]. He feels very comfortable when observing social stuff in the shoes of anonymous.


Sketchpage: [LINK]
ToyHouse profile:
Image size
1050x900px 604.64 KB
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