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Hi everyone,
Just a few words about what happened during those past month. As you may have noticed, I haven't been submiting stuff for a long time. Well, there is a reason why: I am on an exchange program.
Since August, I have been living in the USA (I'm from France, if you were wondering) and it is taking me very busy. I am on an exchange program for one year, which means living with a host family all this time, being all by myself without my friends or relatives, going to an american high school, discovering a new culture. That is a lot, and that is why I wanted to stay away from social medias a little bit, watching things I was doing in my own country (such as going on DA) made me feel very homesick, and trust me reader, this a sad sad feeling.
However, I will try to be more active on DA right now. I am now living in Beaufort, South Carolina. and the south offers many beautiful landscapes! That is why I will submit pictures soon. I'll try to keep on doing macro as well.
Now that I have been living here for 4 month, I am settle down enough to start over again the things I was doing in France. So, Here I am!
You can follow my adventures here (In french...) : southcarolinasunrise.blogspot.…
See you soon
If you are a girl, or if you like girl stuff...
Hi everyone!
I finally made a blog! I've always said that i would make one and I made it! (sorryitismyfirstoneandiamveryexcited)
If you are not a girl or if you are not an adept of make-up and hairdressing, I doubt that you will love it but you can always have look :)
Well, a very short post because the last one began to be old.
If you are girly and love girl stuff ---> (However, it is in French, but there are many post you could understand anyway :) )
(I am not as superficial as you can think)
(Really not)
(I love cultural stuff too)
My translation of a beautiful french song
This is a translation of a pretty french song called "Dernière danse" by "Kyo".
I found it unfortunate that there was no translation. So this is mine!
The original song here ---->
One last dance
I have long traveled her body
Touched her face a hundred times
I found gold
And even some stars
Wiping away her tears
I learned by heart
The purity of her forms
Sometimes I still draw them
She is part of me
I just want one last dance
Before the shadow and indifference
Vertigo then silence
I just want one last dance
I've knew her too early
But it's not my fault
The arrow went th
I Finally passed this ****** oral of Art History!
For those who don't study in France, the oral of art history is surely the thing the most boring/stressful/tiring to learn when you are fifteen...
The concept is:
You have five works (movie, song, table etc) and you have to learn absolutely all that has to know about them.
Yes, it might be interresting to know why Picasso have painted Guernica or The young Ladies of Avignon , but honestly who is interested about the life of his first cousin or the retirment income of his grandmother? Hmm? Who?
So, I didn't drawn lots Picasso anyway.
I came across North by Northwest by Hitchcock.
It could have been great if my jury were not an antipatic
So Perfect!
I just saw Hunger Games movie.
My verdict? Just Amazing!
Jennifer Lawrence was so awesome!
If you have not seen it, you HAVE TO go!
-And, by the way, may the odds be ever in your favors!
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