Art Feature #5 - Underwater Photography

3 min read

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LightsOnAmara's avatar
I finally decided to do a feature on underwater photography and it was so hard to pick just a few. So, well, I didn't. I picked a bunch. I think underwater photography is probably the genre of photography that seems most interesting to me but is the one I would be the most scared to do, at least as the photographer (hey! Those cameras aren't cheap! And I ain't rich!).

That said, here's several artists that have taken this genre and done it amazingly well!!

As always, you get what you give so make sure you show these artists some love!

Guilty Crown: Inori. Underwater. by Astarohime  Underwater Baseball by underwatermeister Wonder Woman: Swimsuit Edition by gillykins   Niki 02 by Chainmaile Underwater by alexcampos Underwater by Misplaceddream Underwater by Angelhand dreaming underwater by elsableda  underwater cavern by olivetwist Underwater Angel by FotoPhrenzy Underwater Mermaid Flip by Burnouthappy Underwater Romance by SonjaPhotography Beads underwater by CurvyKrista Underwater Lounging by LaurenCoakley

I'll see you here next Monday! 

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SonjaPhotography's avatar
Thanks for the feature!