My footprints next to yourslightskin on DeviantArt

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lightskin's avatar

My footprints next to yours



*edit* Made them with more perspective.

Actually I wanted to named this "I leave footprints always beside you" but it doesn't fit on the deviation title. xP But well, I came up with that one. :D

This is Katara and Aang taking a nice walk by the beach.

I like how Katara turend out, but Aang is, idk, kinda weird...I just spent like 10 minutes sketching and coloring him though. ^^; I didn't have the time to make him look better.

Anywayz, please comment. And maybe fave it if you like it. :nod:

I think I'll change Aang. I pretty much don't like how he came out. I'll do it some other day though. xP
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996x596px 169.69 KB
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