Favourite Movies
My Neighbour Totoro, Tale of Princess Kaguya, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Ratatouille, Parasite...
Favourite TV Shows
it's all anime bc im disgusting
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
AJJ + pop punk/emo shit + vocaloid (fav producers include mothy, jin, Mikito-P, guiano, Pinnochio-P, Kurosawa Madoka, maretu, kikuo, Jesus-P...)
Favourite Books
Watership Down, Les Misérables, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Jurassic Park, Cloud Atlas, Exhalation
Favourite Writers
Douglas Adams, David Mitchell, Richard Adams, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Ted Chiang
Favourite Games
Danganronpa, Pokémon, Sonic, Halo, Don't Starve
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, 3DS, Gameboy, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PSP
Other Interests
writing, acting, music