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RoD Respect: This Way



Third RoD image for RajanSilverDragon ! This is Respect~ Did a more watercolor-y spring type photo in a field filled canyon. Included Queen Bee (starter) and Lieu (my curly bby)~

Import link and name (including ID) of Tokota: Nimue 10996
Rider/Handler: Reese
Link to group note in which HP points have been validated by an administrator:…
Previous tasks (in order):

  1. Rite One (Courage): RoD Courage: She's Gone
  2. Rite Two (Navigation): RoD Navigation: Lonely Trail
  3. Rite Three (Respect): YOU ARE HERE
  4. Rite Four (Dedication): RoD Dedication: Ambushed
  5. Rite Five (Soul): RoD Soul: Visions of the Moon


            It took a while for Nimue and Reese to even find the canyon they were to lead Queen Bee and Lieu through. During that bit of confusion, the two accompanying the Barbary seemed to have waning trust in her. Fortunately, the beginning of the canyon came into view. It was rather wide - wide enough for a field to flourish within the canyon’s grip with flowers dotting the blowing grass.

            Nimue proceeded confidently making it a good way before realizing that Lieu hadn’t moved from the mouth of the canyon and Queen Bee simply walked wherever she pleased.

            A low growl reverberated in Nimue’s chest. It was so deep, Reese could feel it where she sat – startling the handler. She opened her mouth to call to the other Tokotas but thought twice about it. This was Nimue’s respect to earn. She had to become their leader.

            The Barbary Tokota raised her tail – the fur sticking out on end – and pulled her lips back in a snarl. She clicked her teeth together once, growling loudly. It was such a guttural and feral sound that Reese suddenly felt in danger on her own Tokota’s back.

            At the sound of Nimue’s growl, Queen Bee perked up and immediately started trotting toward the Barbary. Lieu tucked her tail beneath her but also made a fast approach.

            Once both were reasonably close, Nimue turned, tail still held high, and continued deeper in the maze of a canyon.

(242 words)


HP Count:
+3HP (fullbody colored and shaded)
+2HP (complex BG)
+2HP (handler bonus)
+1HP (show bonus. I think?)
+2HP (starter bonus - Queen Bee)
+1HP (200 word story)
HP Total: 11HP (Nimue)  10HP (Lieu)
Image size
3900x2105px 1.01 MB
© 2016 - 2024 lightningspam
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RajanSilverDragon's avatar
Once again, a gorgeous piece! I love the colors!