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lightningspam's avatar

RoD Navigation: Lonely Trail



Fourth RoD image for RajanSilverDragon !
Almost done O UO

Import link and name (including ID) of Tokota: Nimue 10996
Rider/Handler: Reese
Link to group note in which HP points have been validated by an administrator:…
Previous tasks (in order):

  1. Rite One (Courage): RoD Courage: She's Gone
  2. Rite Two (Navigation): YOU ARE HERE
  3. Rite Three (Respect): RoD Respect: This Way
  4. Rite Four (Dedication): RoD Dedication: Ambushed
  5. Rite Five (Soul): RoD Soul: Visions of the Moon


The weather had been gloomy ever since sunrise – whenever that had been – but they couldn’t wait for the rain and storms to pass. It didn’t seem like they would for days anyway so Reese set off on Nimue’s back to navigate the mountains. It was going to be dangerous but now that danger was amplified by lightning, slick rocks and potential rockslides. Even worse, it was difficult to tell how far along the day was.

            The hours blurred together as it rained, stopped, rained, stopped and rained again.  Reese had no cover for herself or her Barbary so the two were soaked shortly after beginning the trip. The female handler shivered on Nimue’s back, clutching her arms in an attempt to keep some of her body heat in but the cold, wet jacket she wore made that a difficult task.

            Nimue’s normally fluffy mane drooped against her body, dripping water even though the rain had stopped over half an hour ago. A cool breeze blew between the mountains as clouds squeezed through the valleys or tried to crest the peeks of mountains.

            Reese felt bad for her Barbary who still seemed to be reeling from the first Rite. Of course, she hadn’t been able to reunite with Circe yet so for all Nimue knew she really was gone. Despite this, the Tokota was still able to put one paw in front of the other – her claws clicking on the wet rock with each step.

            Drawing from Nimue’s strength, Reese straightened her form and stilled her shivering as she clutched the reigns. Casting a glance at the sky, she prayed for Aippaq to help guide them through the mountains safely.

(279 words)


HP Count:
+3HP (fullbody colored and shaded)
+2HP (complex BG)
+2HP (handler bonus)
+1HP (show bonus. I think? )
+1HP (200 word story)
HP Total: 9HP
Image size
4282x2392px 1007.8 KB
© 2016 - 2024 lightningspam
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Wildfire-Tama's avatar
Ugh they look so miserable :( you did a really good job portraying the wetness! Your lighting is so well done!