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RoD Courage: She's Gone



First RoD image for RajanSilverDragon! This is Courage for Nimue~
Will add the info later! x3 Just wanted to get it uploaded.

Import link and name (including ID) of Tokota: Nimue 10996
Rider/Handler: Reese
Link to group note in which HP points have been validated by an administrator:
Previous tasks (in order):…

  1. Rite One (Courage): YOU ARE HERE
  2. Rite Two (Navigation): RoD Navigation: Lonely Trail
  3. Rite Three (Respect): RoD Respect: This Way
  4. Rite Four (Dedication): RoD Dedication: Ambushed
  5. Rite Five (Soul): RoD Soul: Visions of the Moon


            The smell of salt water reached Reese’s nose long before they could see the sea as they approached the planned staging for Nimue to face her fear. The handler cast a sympathetic glance toward the unsuspecting Barbary. Well, not so unsuspecting.

            Earlier that day she and a few other handlers helped stage her sister’s, Circe’s, ‘death’ to make it more believable. The event left poor Nimue an antsy mess as she looked all around her for signs of her sister.

            Suddenly, she seemed to catch the scent of her normal maned relative and bolted ahead. Reese chased behind her and crested the hill just as Nimue was checking out the grave marker. A few low whines emanated from her until finally she sat and loosed a mournful wail.

            Reese’s brows knit with concern as she took a seat beside the upset Tokota. This seemed cruel. She wished that there had been another major fear for her to overcome but it was better than her truly losing her sister. Now if it happened – Aippaq forbid – Nimue would cope better or so she’d been told. She found the advice hard to believe as tears formed in her eyes.

            Seeing her Barbary so hurt pained her. The dappled girl couldn’t move her eyes from the grave, as she seemed to call to her sister becoming more and more distressed as she received no answer.

            Reese wiped a tear from her cheek as Nimue hung her head low, closing her eyes as if to will the world away.

            She would make it through this. She would.

(262 words)


HP Count:
+3HP (fullbody colored and shaded)
+2HP (complex BG)
+2HP (handler bonus)
+1HP (show bonus. I think? )
+1HP (200 word story)
HP Total: 9HP
Image size
3900x2400px 1.49 MB
© 2016 - 2024 lightningspam
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Dakaido's avatar
This makes me wanna cry o:
Im guessing it's Nimues sister in the grave?