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lightningspam's avatar

RoD Courage: My Flames



First RoD image for Cougar28 of Elkan WM32!
Information will be added later once they're all done/I can submit them to the group!

Elkan was quite hard to render this way with all his gradients LOLOLOL. And this may be one of my first images where the handler is front and center?? This is a super neat handler though so. xD

Prompt from Cougar28 :
"Elk is afraid of fire. Whenever his handler Nyda makes a campfire, or any sort of thing like that, Elk will be no where near it. The thing is that Nyda can use fire magic, so if there was a circumstance in which she'd really need to use it, she'd rather it not make Elk panic. So she and Elk travel to a place very far from the area Nyda usually roams (for various reasons), and there she puts on a fire show of sorts. The objective of this is to make Elk realize that at least with Nyda's fire, she would never let it hurt him.

For the art I'd like Nyda in like some sort of meditative pose or something, with fire all around her (though not directly around her, if that makes sense), and Elk sticking close to her, but also cowering from the fire."

Import link and name (including ID) of Tokota: Elkan WM32
Rider/Handler: Nyda
Link to group note in which HP points have been validated by an administrator:…
Previous tasks (in order):

    Rite One (Courage): YOU ARE HERE
    Rite Two (Navigation): Rite of Navigation: Avalanche
    Rite Three (Respect): RoD Respect: Narrowing Path
    Rite Four (Dedication): RoD Dedication: In a Past Life
    Rite Five (Soul):
RoD Soul: The Screech Heard Through the Mountains

HP Count:
+3HP (fullbody colored and shaded)
+2HP (complex BG)
+2HP (handler bonus)
+1HP (show bonus)
HP Total: 8HP
Image size
3300x2550px 3.17 MB
© 2016 - 2024 lightningspam
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nekonotaishou's avatar
This is freaking awesome! Wow!