Chrono Trigger: Culture shock [Chronicles of Time]LightningArts on DeviantArt

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February 26, 2016
Chrono Trigger: Culture shock [Chronicles of Time] by LightningArts makes the most of a monochromatic palette by using high contrast and detailed textures.
Featured by Lyricanna
LightningArts's avatar

Chrono Trigger: Culture shock [Chronicles of Time]


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Chrono Trigger is a game with many albums and many, many pieces of fan art for it.
But hey, won't stop me from doing more :)

This was made for the Chrono Trigger album project

5 Discs
200+ musicians
13 Artists
50+ Pieces of art in ADDITION to this one

This was originally meant as a one-off, but I decided to make it an alt cover for our preview disc. You should check out the main cover my brother FirebornForm  made. It's preeeeettty.

This was one of the first images I wanted to do when starting the project.
Listen to this while you stare at it:…

The idea of stepping out into the destroyed landscape is just so powerful. It's been done in countless media, but I wanted to capture what i felt like it was to me, when playing this for the first time.
This image is a mix of hand painted and actually a lot of real photos. Photos were both useful in saving me from having to painstaking detail it all, and also give a very interesting look.

From the people who brought you A new tribute project is on the way!


ALSO! Huge thanks to Lyricanna for featuring this in a Daily Deviation. I felt a huge amount of pressure to step into the CT fanart world since there is so much of it, glad to be welcomed. :)
Image size
6000x4000px 15.39 MB
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magrisphoenix's avatar

Love the landscape