2 min read

Deviation Actions

Lightning-Slash's avatar
tagged by : :iconblackpredatorclan:

1. You must post these rules.

2. Each person must post 11 things about them.

3. You must choose 11 people to tag. Put their icon on your journal!

4. Go to their page and tell him/her that you tagged them :>

5. No tag backs!

6. No stuff in the tagging section about " you are tagged if your reading this " legitimately... (aka really truly with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

1. My name is Yaroslav
2. I'm 22
3. I'm a brony
4. My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash
5. I like computer games
6. I love music, especially rock 'n' roll and electronic
7. I can speak Swedish, I think :)
8. Today I'm going to do nothing
9. I like foxes ^^
10. Favorite color - rainbow color :P
11. I don't know what for I'm writing this. I guess just for fun.

I tag :

1. :iconarualsti:

2. :iconderplight:

3. :iconrascyr:

4. :iconjeremis:

5. :iconmysteriouskaos:

6. :iconnikki-luni:

7. :iconponiesfromheaven:

8. :iconruhje:

9. :icontzolkine:

10. :iconyourcrazyfox:

11. :iconlightning-slash: the rules say nothing about that you can't tag yourself :P
© 2012 - 2024 Lightning-Slash
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Rascyr's avatar
U r a fuckin spamer, dude!