S O N I A::.Lightning-Duchess on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lightning-duchess/art/S-O-N-I-A-48428595Lightning-Duchess

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S O N I A::.




She's wearing that one outfit that she wore in the begginning of "The Price of Freedom", cept I changed a few minor details. It was a shame that she only had that on for a minute in the ep, coz I LOVED that outfit. T_T It's better than her girly one. XD *shot*

Sonia is DiCs.

Edit 3-13-10: Yes, this is the picture in which an element of it has appeared on the floor of the casino track on the Wii/Low-res PC version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. Don't worry about it though; everything's been resolved. [link]

Edit 8-15-12: If anyone's interested I redrew this 5 years later! Check it out!! [link]
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CheddarVG's avatar

This still remains in the Wii version.