Working off the Years (TG)lightingTG on DeviantArt

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Working off the Years (TG)



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With a flash you wake up as a man named Henry who had always been the target of cruel taunts and relentless bullying due to his weight. From his early school years to his adulthood, he carried the emotional scars of being ridiculed and ostracized. At 36 years old, he had reached a breaking point. The pain of being overweight and the constant humiliation had become too much to bear.

One day, while scrolling through his social media feed, Henry came across a transformation story that left him in awe. It was about a woman who had undergone a remarkable physical change through rigorous workouts at a nearby gym. She spoke of newfound confidence and a life free from judgment and ridicule. Henry's heart stirred with hope, and he decided it was time to embark on a journey of transformation.

Without hesitation, Henry joined the very same gym where the inspirational story had unfolded. The initial days were tough. His body ached, and he struggled to keep up with the workouts. But Henry was determined. He pushed through the pain and, little by little, began to see progress. The pounds started to melt away, and his body began to take on a leaner, more toned shape.

Weeks turned into months, and as the transformation progressed, something extraordinary started to happen. Not only was Henry losing weight and gaining muscle, but his entire appearance seemed to be changing. He looked younger, his skin grew smoother, and his face became more refined. His hair, once short and dark, began to grow long and blonde, cascading down his back in silky waves.

Henry was perplexed and amazed by this transformation. He decided to consult a doctor, who conducted a battery of tests and examinations. The results were baffling; there was no logical medical explanation for the changes Henry was experiencing. It was as if he were reversing in age, and his body was undergoing a complete metamorphosis.

As the three-month mark approached, Henry could hardly recognize the person staring back at him in the mirror. He was no longer the man who had walked into that gym months ago. Instead, he had transformed into a young, stunning woman with long, flowing blonde hair and curves that turned heads wherever she went. She decided to embrace her new identity and chose the name "Hannah”. She now worked as a personal trainer at the very gym where she had transformed and she could not be happier.


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namrehnitram's avatar

Perfect body and a really great story!