Last Night A Forest Grewlight-serpent on DeviantArt

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Last Night A Forest Grew



Wow, I'm uploading stuff that's not a comic? What a surprise! :D

So imagine you get out of your front door in the morning, but instead of a suburban neighbourhood, you're surrounded by a gigantic dark forest :D

Inspired by the song Last Night A Forest Grew by the great progressive metal band The Odious which I discovered recently :) (thanks, Shreddit!)
I should do spontaneous illustrations more often :D

I'm always having trouble with choosing the right category - It's not purely traditional media, since it's coloured digitally, but I can't seem to find a fitting gallery ...
Also, I'm not very good at colouring, but it lacked depth in black and white so I decided to do it anyway.
The perspective isn't that good, too... but eh, whatever - I'm just glad I'm finally able to upload something that's no comic :D

Comments & critique welcome! :)
Image size
671x950px 443.49 KB
© 2012 - 2025 light-serpent
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