Anatomy Of A Wavelight-serpent on DeviantArt

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light-serpent's avatar

Anatomy Of A Wave



So this is my entry for the monthly contest over at the blender-subreddit ... the theme was abstract wallpaper with curves, and this is what I came up with! Not what I had in mind originally, and also I'm not really satisfied with the outcome, but I just want to get myself to take part in these monthly challanges from now on, so I get a piece out on a regular basis. I have way to many unfinished projects lying around and I just need deadlines, so from now on I'll try to post a blender work each month! :D Hopefully it'll do me some good :P

Anyway, this was made with some curves with a bevel object and an array modifier. Rendered with cycles, enhanced with the compositor... Just noticed that it's not that great as a wallpaper because of the strong contrast of the sun, but well :P At least the bokeh glow turned out well :)

Not going to upload the blend file, firstly because it's a mess, and secondly because it has 21 mb (no idea why though), but if anyone's interested in details, just ask! :)
Image size
1920x1080px 733 KB
© 2013 - 2025 light-serpent
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