Liesisvies on DeviantArt

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Liesisvies's avatar

Harry 05



This is the last one for now... I don't really know what is happening after this...

I imagine Snape has some kind of antidote.. (that requires a lot of belly rubbing)

What else? What happens next? what should I do?
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579x595px 181.36 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Liesisvies
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HPGirl28's avatar

This reminds of me of a story on FanFiction.Net,  Harry and Severus are married. Severus gives Harry a metabolism potion and Harry puts on a lot of weight. Turns out that Draco was the first and tells Harry to stop taking the potion. Sadly the story was discontinued.

the art work reminds me of how Harry ended up eating a 3 tier cake that Severus got for him. In a blink of an eye, it all ended up in Harrys’ tummy with his husband giving him loving rubs and hugs.