:iconstyxn: tagged meThe rules:.Post these rules.
.Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
.At the end you have to choose 8 people to tag, and post their icons on the same journal.
.Go to their page and send a message saying you tagged them.
.NO tag-backs.I don't understand the rules - pleas could anybody translate them. *gg*8 facts:
1: I live in german, exactly Saxony
2: I like listening Rosenstolz and InExtremo
3: I drive a red bike
4: My favourite software is Photoshop
5: My favourite writers are Terry Prattchet , Walther Moers and Peter Ustinov
6: I hate lies
7: I love gummi bears
8: my dream: a trip ac...