TFUK: Emirate XaaronLibrarian-bot on DeviantArt

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TFUK: Emirate Xaaron



So, I felt the need to model a transformer or two all of a sudden. And for some reason, I fixed on a bunch of obscure, comic-only characters that most of you will probably never have heard of.

First up, Emirate Xaaron, the TF least likely to appear in a Michael Bay film. Yet, while he may have been physically incapable of open combat, he was nevertheless the most effective Autobot leader, since he kept his people alive and kicking for over four million years on a Decepticon dominated Cybetron without a Prime in sight. How's that for true grit?

He doesn't have a very interesting design and we never saw him transform (in the original comics, he physically couldn't, he was that old) but it is notable that he looks suspiciously similar to Megatron. I followed through and remixed a few of the design cues of the original Megatron toy into what is hopefully a leaner, more distinctive look.

Hasbro et al own Transformers.
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Hoawrd's avatar
Could you perhaps make some transformation steps images (You know, like the classic ROBOT >> CHANGE >> CHANGE >> VEHICLE pics on G1 boxes) or perhaps animate it and put it on YouTube? I'm fond of doing 3d transformables myself as my avatar image hints and usually pretty good at spotting how they fold up, but I'm not seeing how that chestplate works at all.