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January 9, 2014
Warcraft meets Disney - Snow White by LiberLibelula
Featured by moonbeam13
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EDIT: Oh my God. Oh my God. I can't believe it, and I don't know if I deserve it, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for the DD!! I feel so honored and grateful, thank you, thank you! My mother has heard me screaming and whe she came running into my room, the only thing I could shout while jumping like a chinchilla was "A Daily Deviation, a Daily Deviation!!!"

Come on, blame me for zero originality. I had fun XD I love Disney and World of Warcraft, so why not a crossover?
The opening picture for the series is, the first and the classic, Snow White, as a Dwarf from Forjaz. I never liked Snow White, she was too wimpy and teeeeender for my taste. Plus, I haaate the color combinations in her dress. But it was another time, so I can't blame Disney for that.
Even if that wasn't my first choice, in the end I thought being a Dwarf was pretty obvious (And necessary) for Snow White. Plus, the strength that dwarven show makes her look really good, with all those furs and the puffy sleeves, and I love that hairstyle that you can actually wear ingame. If you're a dwarf, of course. I've never been a Dwarf, mostly because I'm Horde and my only weakness in the Alliance are the Night Elves.
And there you have a hammer, Snow White. Use it wisely!
I hope you like this! More princesses are coming!
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WoW belongs to Blizzard Entertainment, Snow White belongs to Disney.
Image size
408x638px 335.43 KB
© 2013 - 2025 LiberLibelula
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snow white the new thor