Disney meets Warcraft - MegLiberLibelula on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/liberlibelula/art/Disney-meets-Warcraft-Meg-418744646LiberLibelula

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Disney meets Warcraft - Meg



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Edit: Background color and texture changed ^^
One of my favourite girls.
At first I wanted to draw her as a goblin, as she is so sassy, but... come on. She's a Forsaken. Super skinny, tortured, sarcastic and completely dissapointed with the whole world. Not to mention that stuff with the Underworld and that time she was diving with all the doomed souls. And she died and now is alive again, so she's an Undead!

I love how she turned out *w*

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1000x1594px 1.53 MB
© 2013 - 2025 LiberLibelula
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