Disney meets Warcraft - KidaLiberLibelula on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/liberlibelula/art/Disney-meets-Warcraft-Kida-418537390LiberLibelula

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Disney meets Warcraft - Kida



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At first, I thought she was kinda draenei, but then somebody over here suggested that she would make a great troll, and wow, that was true! Plus, they're my favourite race ^^
Think of it... Trolls had an enormous empire that falled apart in its own decadence, but even now, when they're fighting to preserve their culture and rise again, finding unlikely allies in other strange species, they keep a piece of their ancient power and union with their ancestors and spirits. Just like Atlantean people.

So, I hope you like her! ^^

Kidagakash belongs to Disney, Warcraft belongs to Blizzard Entertainment.
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1000x1594px 1.6 MB
© 2013 - 2025 LiberLibelula
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MaxtheG's avatar
tbh i want to see more disney characters as pandaren, goblins and worgen

just personal opinion

also noiche art piece ya got there laddie