Steampunk AtlantisLeyna-art on DeviantArt

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Steampunk Atlantis



"Archival photograph from the Atlantis expedition of 1907."

For an AU prompt challenge using the main Stargate: Atlantis team (John, Rodney, Teyla & Ronon). My prompt was Steampunk.

As usual, many references used. All the characters are referenced. I looked at vintage photos for ideas of the poses and some of the costumes. Notably Rodney's pose and clothes are referenced from a vintage photo of H Rider Haggard. This is a homage, since I read and loved his books as a kid, and he is partly responsible for my love for the concept of Steampunk.
The Zeppelin is based on vintage photos of the Graf Zeppelin. [link]
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900x900px 553.9 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Leyna-art
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dpdesautels's avatar

I ADORE this gorgeous cross with another of my favorite sub-genres! 😍😘👌💐💐💐