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Leyanor's avatar

Good morning lazy



Edit: 250 Faves in only 24 hours? You're awesome people :heart:
Thank you so much!! :glomp: :hug: :glomp:


Hey there :)

Ever wondered what they did last night?
I think you can guess xD
That, at least is how they woke up :)

It has kind of a connection to the last two pictures I posted.
But it'll be the end of this story. (Not to mention that it never was a story)

Whatever, time to search for the next Appledash topic I'm gonna draw. :D
Yes, Appledash, as always. And that's how it's always gonna be ;D

MLP FiM, AJ, RD (c) Studio B, Hasbro
Art (c) Me
Image size
1500x867px 1.36 MB
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botanicus-fireside's avatar
Quietly tucks them in.