lewis4721 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lewis4721/art/Shelf-with-Potions-2-Png-Overlay-886813340lewis4721

Deviation Actions

lewis4721's avatar

Shelf with Potions 2, Png Overlay.



All my files are ok for commercial use unless otherwise stated :) (Smile)
Credit would be very much appreciated but not necessary.

- These overlays look most natural when processed with the photo(s) to which they will be applied. Adjust the white balance/contrast/tone etc. accordingly in Photoshop
- Feathering and adding shadows (taking note of the light) is a great way to make the overlays blend in well.

Great for photographers, scrapbooks, clip art, holiday cards, advertising, and more.

All Files are a high quality 300ppi
You will need basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and know how to work with the layers.
Please do not share or sell these files
Image size
3000x1500px 2.43 MB
© 2021 - 2024 lewis4721
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