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Levviathor's avatar

Shinybar1.3.1 for DockbarX



Shinybar - Windows 7 style for DockbarX
NEXT VERSION: Launching indicator, mouse-over color from icon.

6/14/10 - Bugfix: Version 1.3.1
Soooooooo looks like I left Shinybar Vertical at a much older, uglier state than the horizontal version. My apologies. Thanks to ~fdelosrios for catching it.

Also, I honestly, really actually am working on 1.4. It'll get released eventually. Maybe even within two years.

1/22/10 - Version 1.3
See the layered look around the Blue Orb? That tells you how many windows you have running. It's also the most significant update for Shinybar 1.3.

Version 1.4 should add a launching indicator, and might be the last version. Note that Shinybar is CC'd, so you can modify it to your heart's content if you leave the README intact.

10/3/09 - Version 1.2
Somewhat minor update to version 1.2. Added support for panels along the top or either side, as well as very light colored panels. The active window used to turn white, which wasn't showing up so well. See README for details.

9/6/09 - Forgot
Forgot to include the panel background in the lastest update. Thanks to !tunasammich for catching that :D

9/5/09 - Version 1.1
458 views in two days?
Thank you so much everyone!

In other news, Shinybar has been updated to version 1.1

Changes include rounded corners, tweaked mouseover effect, and overall polishing. See CHANGELOG for the full list.

9/4/09 - Initial release
I've been trying to make a Windows 7-style theme for DockbarX, Windows 7 style icon-only taskbar for Linux.

It really isn't any use to you unless you use Linux, and more specifically GNOME. Might be interesting to peruse the code or pixmaps anyway. I dunno.

See the included README.txt.

You can change the color of the mouseover effect by changing the Active Color setting under DockbarX's Properties.

Version History
9/4/09 1.0 Initial Release
9/5/09 1.1 Update - see included CHANGELOG
10/3/09 1.2 "
1/22/10 1.3 "
6/14/10 1.3.1 Minor bug fix

Leave a comment here if you like, or email me at levviathor @ gmail.com

Programs used: GIMP, gedit (text editor)
CC Attribution: Link to this page, or levviathor.deviantart.com
Aknowledgements: Thanks to Aleksey and Matias Sars, creators of Dockbar and DockbarX, respectively. Also, thanks to ~BigRZA for creating Tonkybar, (part of his Tonky Desktop) from which I initially built Shinybar.
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marinecomm's avatar
I can't seem to download this theme. When I click 'Download' it just reloads the page and no download starts.