Pool PartyLevingeArt on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/levingeart/art/Pool-Party-541673222LevingeArt

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LevingeArt's avatar

Pool Party



I made some sprites of the old and the new pool party skins from league of legends!! Hope you enjoy it :D
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615x138px 27.64 KB
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Sokis's avatar
Hey there! Your sprites are amazing dude! I am currently working on a video series on youtube and I need some League of Legends sprites. Could I use some of yours? I will credit you of course! If you want to make sure that I am legit, the channel is called "Skins have Skills" and I have already made one video like that. It would be super helpful if you could let me use them :)