Ultimate Pokemon Spritesleviathen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leviathen/art/Ultimate-Pokemon-Sprites-112817327leviathen

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leviathen's avatar

Ultimate Pokemon Sprites



some bases i made off of pokemon diamond/pearl trainer sprites. every time i make more i'll just add them to this picture!

* on the image means it's a sprite of my own design, done in the same style as pokemon sprites

I have reuploaded this image with the proper signature, since people often decide to leave my skull in their edits... they don't understand that a signature is meant to identify the person responsible for the end result of the image, I guess. I encourage everyone to create their own pixel sigs!!

:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: HEY!!!!!!!! LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:

There are RULES to using my bases; every time you don't follow them, a baby seal is clubbed to death in Canada!

:bulletpink: favorite the base //
:bulletorange: !!remove!! my logo! //
:bulletyellow: CREDIT me in your description with a link back to me by typing :icon leviathen: without the space!!!! [you may edit the base as long as you include the proper credit] If you are using off of deviantart, link back to my page! //
:bulletgreen: feel free to share your finished dolls with my bases in the *comment section* of the base deviation ONLY, that means NOT ON MY PROFILE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //
:bulletpurple: You MAY NOT - trace, use parts of, or distribute - any bases or any of my pixel art. My fans will find you.
Image size
286x335px 20.08 KB
© 2009 - 2025 leviathen
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