The vayron swam up to Ornaax, a twinkle within his eyes, and Ornaax knew Mace loved it.
“We’re going to have a race, if you’d like to join today?” Ornaax asked, excitement in his voice as he swam around in a couple of circles. The movement swayed Mace’s body, making him shake his head and give a small laugh. He was tiny compared to most of the haedian, and yet, even smaller compared to most tyrians. “I doubt I’d even come close to winning!” Mace said, paddling his paws through the water to stay afloat within the liquid. “It isn’t about winning! It’s about the experience and the love for our games. We do them with pride, not only to showcase our skills to one another but also to enjoy our time together.” Ornaax explained, a bright grin spreading across his face. “Follow me.” He said, taking off to one of the air bubbles so the vayron wouldn’t have to tire himself out. Mace eagerly followed, a slower pace for sure, but he attempted to keep up.
Once the two emerged into the air