Letter-I-plz's avatar


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Artist // Design & Interfaces
  • Argentina
  • Deviant for 15 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)


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:iconletter-i-plz: Enjoy :)
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Profile Comments 3

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how do you make the "I heart Jareth: thingie in ur singnature? With the "I" the "heart" and a HOT pic of Jareth?
goes i like this:

first you put : at the start, the you put icon(teh word) in it, then you put the thing (liek konatarapeface) then you put : at the end. then you should see it like this- : icon linkrapeface plz: if thats what i wanted. so when you press "Preview" then you'll see :iconlinkrapefaceplz: so like that, you'd see :iconletter-i-plz: like this-
:iconletter-i-plz: :iconletterhplz::iconlettereplz::iconletteraplz: :iconletterrplz::iconlettertplz: :iconletter-j-plz: :iconletteraplz: :iconletterrplz: :iconlettereplz: :iconlettereplz::iconlettertplz::iconletterhplz: sadly, there is no J for the plz accounts. If you want a pic of Jareth, id had to be 50x50 and MUST be a icon.

i hope that helps! ~~~~~~~~:iconkytegirl:~~~~~~~