Letohatchee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/letohatchee/art/Crochet-G2-Optimus-Prime-Plush-199496602Letohatchee

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Letohatchee's avatar

Crochet G2 Optimus Prime Plush



Transform and Roll Out!!!

When I was little, I used to crochet dolls. Sadly, I have no idea where any of them are:(

I have been ordering banks and jars from :iconkynight:. They are just so crafty and fun that I got in the mood to crochet again. (Her craft is not crochet; I'm not quite sure what it's called, but it utilizes yarn.)

I've been working on this Optimus for a couple weeks and finally finished him:) I'm not quite sure how long this took me to make, as I lost count at 24 hours ^^; That Autobot symbol had to be the most complicated thing and took absolutely forever with as many times as I kept re-doing it to make it look somewhat right.

I have not crocheted anything in a long while and this is definitely the most complicated thing I've ever crocheted. I wasn't really confident with the way he was turning out once I got the pieces for the truck and trailer crocheted out. However, when I started making the wheels, my husband told me he wanted the plush-toy for himself. I laughed, because after all the doing and re-doing and mapping out stitch counts and all that, this Optimus isn't ever leaving our house anyway! LOL!

You may be wondering why this is G2 Optimus instead of G1. The simple answer is that I didn't have any grey yarn when I started, but I had lots of black =D So, G2 Optimus it is. I've only been finished with him for a few days, but I'm already going stir-crazy to make another one, so I might just have to go and buy some grey yarn and make a G1 Optimus. Making another won't take as long since I have all the stitch counts now =D

His license plate: I could not fit 'Prime,' so I tried putting OP1 for 'Optimus Prime 1' instead. It turned out looking more like 'Opi,' but it's supposed to be 'OP1' =D


(made from medium worsted, red, blue, grey, black, light blue, white, and light yellow yarn...and stuffed with 100% polyester polyfil)
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LugiaLuvr13's avatar
I'm going to try to make this for my sister for christmas, but if you could send me the pattern it would really help! ^^