Mission Not Impossiblelesprit on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lesprit/art/Mission-Not-Impossible-344884940lesprit

Deviation Actions

Mission Not Impossible



The logo I whipped up for a project I am currently working on. As you can guess, it has a little something to do with stopping wildlife trafficking. ;)

I could rant on about it here, and bore you half to death, but I won't. Let's just suffice to say that it is one of those things that makes you embarrassed to be a person. When the buying stops, the killing can too.

The text is superimposed on a leopard pelt. The eye in the O is that of a tockay gecko (very cute, look 'em up!).

Created using the SketchClub app.
Image size
2048x1536px 1.22 MB
© 2012 - 2025 lesprit
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