Storm Mage - SiroccoLesleigh63 on DeviantArt

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Storm Mage - Sirocco



This is my entry for Seventh Sanctum's 'Class' contest.

Generator used: Class/Profession

Result: Storm Mage

Details of the contest can be found here: :icondragonscholar:


This is Sirocco. His name means 'warm, sultry wind accompanied by rain'. He's a Storm Mage and belongs to the School of Elemental Mages who draw their power from the natural world.

Sirocco harnesses the energy of the storm, and stores that energy in a quartz ball (quartz having an affinity for electricity). His jewellery acts as a conductor wth the gold metal facilitating the chanelling of power through his body.

Storm Mages are extremely powerful but the unbridled energy they channel has an ill-effect on their health and they must rest after collecting the energy and again when they cast the energy in their spells.
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© 2007 - 2025 Lesleigh63
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Boaal's avatar
Thats a guy?
Wow. I never would have known if you hadn't actually said ti lol. I thought it was a chick.
But it's cool all the same