lepetitgroin on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lepetitgroin/art/Corrupted-Beast-WIP-410002091lepetitgroin

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lepetitgroin's avatar

Corrupted Beast WIP



Well I was like, do I post work in progress, does that worst it...
And I realized that you are more and more to follow me and comenting over here, and I am not so implicate with you (a real asshole, I heard you)... So here we go, let's share some things with you. But cuz my life is too boring let's share drawings, Ho wait... that the reason why you're here, Gosh, all perfect, so that on, if that interests you (let me know) I'll will more often post work in progress.

So here the sketch for a new card for Infinity Wars. And because it's FUN, it will also animated later on after effect. The idea is a beast from the Warpath getting corrupter by these creappy Sleepers of Avarrach (Zombies High Tech Dudes, the nicer, take lunch with them this friday).

Well and that's it. Wow that's the longest comment I ever wrote... hope wasn't too boring...

Photoshop 1h30 (yes I'll try to give you an idea of the work duration too... when I didn't forget to watch the clock...)
Image size
800x1205px 121.67 KB
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Alodix's avatar

Minautor zombie and nanotech ?! Strange idea but it works I must say.

I wouldn't like to meet him in his technological labyrinth !!