Star studded night skyleozerosty on DeviantArt

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leozerosty's avatar

Star studded night sky


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It's drawn from my own childhood memories. As a young boy, I often found myself gazing up at the night sky from our modest rooftop terrace. The higher houses of our neighbors distracted my viewpoint, but they never mattered; all that mattered was the infinite sky above.

On one such night, I saw a swift, unexplainable streak of light dart across the sky, a sight that fueled my sense of wonder and curiosity. This fleeting image has stayed with me for years, serving as a reminder of the universe's vastness and the depth of the unknown.

The color palette is intense, with the indigo blue sky forming a stark contrast against the dark tones of the terrace and surrounding houses. The image style marries realism with a hint of dream-like quality, underscoring the sense of mystery and awe that swept over me each time I looked up.

Creating this artwork involved a some little things made with Midjourney (for example some buildings and some stars), some mixing fixes with Firefly, and a lot of significant repainting, composition, and detailing work. This hybrid process was a journey in itself, a merger of technology and personal artistry.

I hope this work resonates with anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky with curiosity and wondered what secrets the universe holds.

Image size
1920x1080px 1.68 MB
© 2023 - 2025 leozerosty
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