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Nameless Sails ch27 in the City of Ghosts by leothefox, literature

The Gallery of Parthenon by leothefox, literature

Radness Artness

Artist // Varied
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Spartan Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5715)
Sparklerific Cake: Celebrate in style! (19)
Share the Love: Participated in DeviantArt's 2020 Valentine's Day celebrations.
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (10)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (149)
My Bio
I like commenties! :dummy:

I'm that surrealist/fantasist/cartoonist/sci-fi type guy.
I'm on this Podcast: www.cageskiss.com/
I exist also on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCfGAb…
Patreon: www.patreon.com/leothefox?ty=h
Tumblr: morons-productions.tumblr.com/
The Arty Tumblr: leothefoxart.tumblr.com/
& Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/user/show/41…

Current Residence: Lacey, WA (just moved!)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: whatever size hides fat
Print preference: the living artist in my residence to create unspeakable art with me
Favourite genre of music: blues, rock, hair metal, soul, glam
Favourite photographer: Man Ray, Vittori Storaro, Gordon Willis, Robert Richardson, Tonio Deli Coli
Favourite style of art: the kind that doesn't suck
Operating System: the circulatory system
MP3 player of choice: phonograph
Shell of choice: air freshener
Wallpaper of choice: human skin
Skin of choice: wallpaper
Favourite cartoon character: Daffy Duck, Spongebob, MC Scat Cat, Muppet Babies, Me, Master Shake, SuperTed
Personal Quote: "I don't share opinions, I state facts."
Favorite Movies: The Trial(Welles), Night of the Hunter, Ikiru, M, Alien, The Last Tango in Paris, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Suspiria, Taxi Driver, Wild Strawberries, The Last Temptation of Christ, Nights of Cabiria, The Shining, Apocalypse Now, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Poltergeist, The French Connection, The Fury, The Fall (Tarsem), Bay of Blood, Duck Soup, In Cold Blood, etc...

Favourite Visual Artist
Dali, Tanguy, Ernst, Giger, Beskinski, Royo, Matta, De Chirico
Favourite Movies
The Trial (1962), Alien (1979), Citizen Kane, M (1930), Se7en, Last Tango in Paris, Suspiria
Favourite TV Shows
Columbo, Miami Vice (seasons 1 & 2 only), Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Prisoner, Monty Pyhthon's Flying Circus, Muder She Wrote, Kids in the Hall, The Rockford Files
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Stones, AliceCooper, SaltyDog, GNR, TomPetty, KIX, WildSide, Judas Priest, Savatage, Tesla
Favourite Books
"Almuric" by Robert E. Howard, "The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu" by Sax Rohmer, "Gods of Mars" by Edgar Rice Burroughs, "Horror in the Museum" by H.P. Lovecraft, "Return ot he Sorcerer" by Clark Ashton Smith, "Fantomas" by Allain & Souvestre, "The Moon Pool"
Favourite Writers
Dashiell Hammett, Lovecraft, Kafka, Poe, Twain, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sax Rohmer, A. Merritt, Clark Ashton Smith, Gene Wolfe, Lord Dunsany
Favourite Games
Exquisite Corpse
Favourite Gaming Platform
double bed
Tools of the Trade
Pilot V-Ball Extra Fine Pens!!!
Other Interests
film, art, surrealism, photography, misanthropy, noir, men, directors, history, dreams, dada, rare
is Where would you go haunting? Heads or tails... There are spirits in the walls... Midnight and soon the ghosts... There's more than one way to wake up X Brains and bones... The inn is not all it seems Who will be bought and sold? Look out for that zone That training has got to begin somewhere.... Not all that glitters... Don't get sick... The recipe... Don't drink and drive The young frontiersman searches... In a world without death... Sailing on gold... The master detective is faced with...
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Did You Know I Did a Book? Did You Order The Book? Did You Get the Book?

14 votes

:confused: I Didn't Know about the Berk.

:nuu: I Know About It But Didn't Order It

:dummy: I Ordered it and I'm waiting :eager:

:dummy::dummy::dummy: I Ordered It and I Got It Too!

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:dummy: I don't know if you can believe it (cuz I can't, but I have been on DeviantArt for this long right here: :shocked: When I joined I was a year out of college and I had a hard time on other art sites, when my friend suggested DA. I was working at a Hollywood Video and using Photoshop 5. My whole first year here hardly anything happened, very little notice, not much interaction with others, but I did manage to make friends with some people I still talk to. Daily Deviations and all that were a long way off! At that time I was trying to write a screenplay which I never got a whole draft of. It was 2010 before I was writing again, and 2015 before I was doing it with great regularity or confidence. I've had a lot of ups and downs here, but I stuck with it, partly because I'm stubborn, but mostly because I made such wonderful friends here. Thanks for being here with me, buddies! :dummy: :eager: Don't forget about and that deadline! :eager: You
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Profile Comments 63.8K

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:Dthanks for the faves dear friend I really appreciate it :happybounce:

Llama Emoji-05 (Flower Sparkles) [V1] So welcome, talent fren!

thanks - fav- reading!

Touch It So welcome! I really love your art!

thanks for faving, my dear fox.

read and smoke So welcome, my fellow writer fren!

coming up. a review on the 3rd super mario game. i do enjoy playing this one.