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Portuguese Companies of Commerce



In this alternate reality, the Portuguese colonial empire suffers a "rationalization" of administration, being divided in four big companies:
  • Brazil: administers the Portuguese America. Its coat of arms is the same attributed to the State of Brazil in Portuguese Renaissance armorials.
  • Guinea: administers the Portuguese possessions in the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic islands. Its coat of arms contains a scepter with a African head, associated with the title of "Lord of Guinea".
  • Congo: administers Portuguese Congo (Cabinda), Angola and the relationship with the Kingdom of Kongo. Its coat of arms is similar to that given by Portuguese kings to their vassal the Manikongo (king of Kongo).
  • Indies: Administers Portuguese possessions in East Africa and Asia. Its coat of arms is that of Lesser India, with field changed from purpure (?) to gules, with the chief of Greater India.
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