:banana:LeoLeonardo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leoleonardo/art/banana-111977297LeoLeonardo

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LeoLeonardo's avatar




So, there I was, sitting on the bus, on my way home, thinking about how I hadn't made any of my trademarked randomly funny emoticons in a while, and I was getting annoyed at the fact that I couldn't think of anything random...

Then, suddenly, this came into my mind...

I hope you like it. :B

I also tried a little different take on my shading this time, just to see how it turned out, and I think it looks pretty good. :nod:

And, by the way, pixeling a banana at emote size was hard! :C

Animation Frames: 145
Frame Delay: 0,07sec
Image size
50x29px 14.91 KB
© 2009 - 2025 LeoLeonardo
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Ink-Heavy's avatar
this is why i don't like bananas :D