Leochi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leochi/art/Eamon-of-Lurness-453484629Leochi

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Eamon of Lurness



Edit: New scanner with much better resolution! :heart: Not the pic looks a lot more like the original watercolour.

Title: Eamon of Lurness, King of the Dark Elves
Medium: Watercolours

Another character of "Elfenmagie" by Sabrina Qunaj.
Eamon becomes the king of the Dark Elves after his father's demise. He is originally described as a carefree and happy character. He falls in love with the young heroine and she likes him a lot, but not in a romantic way. 

Original version in German: www.amazon.de/Elfenmagie-Roman…

Two other characters of "Elfenmagie":

Glendorfil, oldest Elf of the Dark Elves and great friend and mentor of Eamon

Glendorfil by Leochi

Nevliin, former best friend and now rival of Eamon

Nevliin of Valdoreen by Leochi
Image size
1200x1648px 224.27 KB
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MoonyMina's avatar
rally cute!!!! his carefree and happy side show in your drawing :)