765 Brandywine Affair NMMLenalee11 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lenalee11/art/765-Brandywine-Affair-NMM-347700536Lenalee11

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765 Brandywine Affair NMM



IT'S OFFICIAL! =D Koa is officially a Supreme blood stallion, the FIRST supreme blood stallion in fact! I am so excited, I would like to thank everyone who supported us in this journey, as well as everyone who did any form of art for him. We couldn't have made it here without your support! 



General Information
    Registered Name ----- 765 Brandywine Affair :trophy: :trophy:
    Barn Name ----- Koa
    Gender ----- Stallion
    Height ----- 16.1hh
    Age ----- 18yo
    Potion ----- Auralight -Gold-
    Phenotype ----- seal bay dun roan pangare splash tovero blanket appaloosa
    Genotype ----- Ee Ata DD nR nSpl nPn nT nO LpLp
    Markings ----- Socks, bold face

Breeding Information
    Status ----- Open to Noted Inquiries
Image size
2000x1500px 18.02 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Lenalee11
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Hogwarts-Bound's avatar
Is it possible to get a slot to this sexy stud? c: