SAGE final project: berserkerlen-yan on DeviantArt

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len-yan's avatar

SAGE final project: berserker



third of seven works for diploma project at my school.
i am going for fantasy with slight sci-fi elements - a world where technology exists side by side with magic. the designs portray sample classes for a mmorpg type game, elven/demonic hybrid race.

third is the berserker with a mecha arm.

the expected date to complete the designs is october 2012. around that time i will come back to each of them and make final edits, which is when i might change the files for these pieces.


other works for this project:


photoshop cs5e
+/- 25 hours

Image size
707x1000px 613.24 KB
© 2012 - 2025 len-yan
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RefreshinglyMorbid's avatar
Your art is so amazing I want to cryPikachu crying plz