lemonflower on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lemonflower/art/Neighborhood-Barbecue-636939794lemonflower

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lemonflower's avatar

Neighborhood Barbecue



This is the bulk of an art installation I completed this spring. In real life it's a diorama set up in an abandoned phone box, about 27" tall x 12" wide x 7" deep. There's some other art assets but they don't fit neatly into this drop-shadowed digitally layered version - namely a banner that fits different dimensions to replace the phone company's name. Also, if you were to stand in front of the physical piece you could peek in between the layers to see more art! Well, baby's gotta learn to take photos some day, but unfortunately I haven't yet. 

Watercolor & digital (the diorama is printed on heavy archival paper and mounted on foamcore, then sealed behind plexiglass; also if you ever want to feel like a boss and a half I recommend drilling through stainless steel just like WHIRR WHIRR NOW THERE'S A HOLE). 
Image size
3600x8100px 17.12 MB
© 2016 - 2024 lemonflower
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maybelletea's avatar
this is so gorgeous ;___; I'm so in awe of your watercoloring, I have been for years. you still, basically, paint the pieces and then "fill" the colors in to be more solid digitally? I remember you explained it to me once. but even so, I can't get how you can do it all so neatly and clean omg...