Leifeey on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leifeey/art/OPEN-Fruit-Time-Adopt-Auction-1095302229Leifeey

Deviation Actions

Leifeey's avatar

[OPEN] Fruit Time -- Adopt Auction



Double Strawberry, Blueberry Crumble, Raspberry Brown each for:

:bulletred: SB - 60$

:bulletred: MB - 1$ 

:bulletred: AB - 150$

PayPal (2014) Icon

Payment via PayPal(only) 

- no points - only USD

- don't bid if you don't have any money!

- payment should be done within 3 days. If not, I'll open it again

- split payment is allowed. Terms are discussed

Auction ends after 72 hours after the last bid

Reply to the highest bid!

Please don't hide or delete your bids!

After full payment:

You'll receive a picture in HQ without watermark + separate items on a trasnparent background, PNG

Don't claim the design as your own!

Ping list:

Good luck on the offerings!

Image size
8454x3000px 9.01 MB
© 2024 Leifeey
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Raspberry Brown bids: