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buto rambutgeni



Buto is giant devil in java's mythology The giant is actually bald. But the pores in his scalp sweat producing steam in the form of combustible gases. Be this giant head found in a state of severe burning flames. That is why it is named Giant Rambutgeni.
Many live in areas Atasangin in far northwest side of the World wayang puppet.
When his head in a state of severe flare,will be able to burn anything in its path.

Buto ini sebenarnya gundul. Tapi pori-pori di kulit kepalanya mengeluarkan uap keringat yang berupa gas mudah terbakar. Jadilah raksasa ini dijumpai dalam keadaan kepalanya menyala kobaran api hebat. Itulah kenapa dinamai Buto Rambutgeni.
Banyak hidup di wilayah Atasangin di sisi barat laut jauh Dunia wayang.
Bila kepalanya dalam keadaan berkobar hebat, akam mampu membakar apa saja yang dilewatinya.
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613x842px 209.84 KB
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KingsOfEvilArt's avatar
Interesting concept, I've read many mythologies so far but dont recal anything similar to this. Too bad Java's mythology is so poorly known where I live and I doubt I can even find any book on it.