In 1968 Darryl McCray, AKA Cornbread
set in motion what was surely one of the more determined wooing projects of the latter 20th century. He stole a look at her roster and arrived to all her classes before she did, writing Cornbread loves Cynthia on her desk. He also wrote it all down the block where she lived, and all along the bus route she took to school.
- Haegele Katie, No Rooftop Was Safe, Philadelphia Weekly Online, Copyright ©2007 Review Publishing 25 Nov 2007
Cynthia’s father eventually moved her to another school and the relationship ended, so Darryl shortened the tag to simply
Writing it all over Philadelphia became an obsession for him. His name became part of the local urban landscape, and the first example of a bombing run.
Where previous tags had been extremely limited in geographic distribution because of gang rivalries, cornbread enjoyed a greater freedom of movement due to associations he had made while incarcerated as a juvenile.
Basically, he knew enough people in the various neighborhoods to allow him to roam the whole city. As his notoriety increased, so did his freedom of movement.
Cornbread’s Philadelphia fame grew to the point where when one of his friends, Cornelius aka Corn was murdered, the local papers ran a story that the infamous vandal was dead.
This greatly exaggerated report of Cornbread’s death led him to engage in a series of his most notable stunts.
When the Jackson 5 were in Philadelphia, he managed to tag their airplane by infiltrating a crowd of autograph seekers. The tag was still on the aircraft when it landed back in California.
He tagged the 30th floor of a skyscraper that hadn’t yet been completed, and he tagged both flanks of an elephant at the Philadelphia zoo.
As if that were not enough, he had a friend stage a fake crime so that he could tag all of the police, fire, and ambulance vehicles that responded.
The audacity of his exploits led a Hollywood film company to track him down to offer him a movie deal, but he wasn’t adept at working with production people, and the deal fell through. A movie titled Cornbread, Earl, and Me was made in 1975, but it was significantly different from the project that was originally pitched to Daryl.
Despite this setback, the general notoriety Daryl enjoyed as Cornbread spawned a seemingly infinite number of imitators, and the phenomenon was spread to New York City.
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Left Coast Creative® is a Registered Trade Mark of Scott Norton DesignThe trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed on this Web Site are registered and unregistered trademarks of Scott Norton Design, its affiliates and others. You can view trademarks owned by Scott Norton Design on Trademarkia at this link: contained on this Web Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on this Web Site without the written permission of or such third party that may o...
Life is funny (Not)
this grownup stuff is busllshit,
I'm going to the mall with my friends...So I finally get round to replacing my
poor, deceased digital camera
instead of buying a truckload of film
for the F-3And now I'm in my office
with coffee, music,
a new Nikon D5000
that I got a good deal on
and a useless right hand
bandaged up and immobilized
thanks to "Digital Tendonitis"
(as opposed to analog tendonitis?)So instead of plotting a shoot
I'm practicing left handed hunt and peck typing
so I can be a little productive
at work next week.Lame.
Lame lame lame.Bitch, moan,
whine and complain
I want my milk and cookies
Paper Breaker Game Development Project
So now it seems that game development has wandered onto my resumé...Basically, I know more than my share of game fiends
and a couple of them are programming geniuses -
so when the opportunity to be part of the portable device
"app craze"
I jumped at the opportunity...It has nothing to do with the
untimely death of my digital camera
or that Barney buys breakfast for every meeting
or that I'm hoping that the apps take off into financial success
of the kind reserved for winning lotto tickets.Really, it's just been a fun project
and it's a really fun game
even if the iPad version didn't quite cooperate
with the iPad launch...Funny thing about ...
Answers to some common questions...
So while the saga of my evolving hatred of my 2006 Prius is pretty common knowledge among people who actually know, work & hang out with me - I do concede that posting it on my DA page may have seemed a bit odd...So for the one or two people who took time out of their lives to
a. read the post
b. wonder about the art connection
c. ask me about itHere's why:The Prius seems to be a popular choice of automobile among so-called "art-types". So, as a marketing professional it occurred to me that if passing along my experience was to have any impact at all, then I should try to make sure the group of most likely potential buyers was the...
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