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Kill the panda

2 min read
I don't know why pandas are always the representatives for movements to save endangered species.

Pandas absolutely suck at living.

They can't eat:
"Despite its taxonomic classification as a carnivore, the panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous, which consists almost exclusively of bamboo. However, pandas still have the digestive system of a carnivore and do not have the ability to digest cellulose efficiently, and thus derive little energy and little protein from consumption of bamboo. The average Giant Panda eats as much as 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo shoots a day. Because pandas consume a diet low in nutrition, it is important that they keep their digestive tract full."

Right. Low in nutrition, because bamboo is nutritionally almost worthless. And they won't eat anything else, even in forests full of other plants and animals.

They can't reproduce:
"A female panda may have 2-3 cubs in a lifetime, on average. […] Since baby pandas are born very small and helpless, they need the mother's undivided attention, so she is able to care for only one of her cubs. She usually abandons one of her cubs, and it dies soon after birth. […] The cubs are able to eat small quantities of bamboo after six months, though mother's milk remains the primary food source for most of the first year."

And the mother's milk is almost useless because bamboo is very low in nutrients.

Pandas are the perfect example of natural selection working perfectly. They suck at living, and should naturally go extinct. Why are we interfering?
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1 min read
Treno mezzo vuoto, sto seduto in quei sedili da 4 posti occupandone uno ovviamente. Arriva un tipo, appoggia allegramente la sua borsa di fronte e si siede accanto a me.
Ma cazzo! Gia' il posto e' stretto, gia' fa caldo, gia' e' lunedi' mattina e sono in ritardo... E tu arrivi e piazzi il tuo simpatico culo accanto al mio giusto perche' se ti siedi nel senso opposto alla direzione del treno ti viene lo sbocchino?
Ma va va va va! Ma quanti anni hai? Un milione? Quando vai sulle montagne russe che fai? Spruzzi un velo di sbocco sulle persone sottostanti e poi, a giro finito, vengono a portarti via in ambulanza?
Inoltre, visto che oggi la temperatura non e' proprio polare, il piumino con imbottitura da spedizione himalayana te lo potevi pure risparmiare!  

Si, sono intollerante e rompicoglioni. Vi da noia la cosa? Modestamente e purtroppamente me ne strafotto e se proprio devo ammetterlo ne vado pure fiero.

Buon inizio settimana!
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1 min read
Forse le cose stanno esattamente così: quelli che vale la pena di amare veramente sono quelli che ti rendono estraneo a te stesso. Quelli che riescono a estirparti dal tuo habitat e dal tuo viaggio e ti trapiantano in un altro ecosistema, riuscendo a tenerti in vita in quella giungla che non conosci e dove certamente moriresti se non fosse che loro sono lì e ti insegnano i passi, i gesti e le parole: e tu, contro ogni previsione, sei in grado di ripeterli.

Me ne tornerei a letto... Vabeh, buongiorno mondo! :)
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I have been tagged by :iconmaritxu:

the rules:

1. Post these rules:
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts
4. At the end of the post 8 more persons are tagged and named
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged


1. I can't live without wearing sunglasses. Sunlight drives me crazy! (hey do not get me wrong, I'm not a vampire! ;) )
2. I don't have any piercings or tatoos
3, I hate wearing jewelry
4. At the moment I'd like to be somewhere else
5. Men prefer blondes, and me too :)
6. I like waking up and going to sleep late if possible
7. I don't like talking about me
8. I still haven't found what I'm looking for (at least it seems so)

I tagged this people:
:iconsilphid: :iconfuel99: :iconbiglebowsky: :iconchiarallit:
:iconwonderlandadventures: :iconbmcpereira: :iconandrepeo: :icon4percent:
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Kill the panda by lefsha, journal

Lunedi'. by lefsha, journal

Forse. by lefsha, journal

(unfortunately) I got tagged by lefsha, journal

F R I D A Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by lefsha, journal