leechbite on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leechbite/art/KameleonDUI-99911780leechbite

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Daily Deviation

October 6, 2008
KameleonDUI by ~leechbite Is an absolute must have for any Winamp user.
Featured by mrrste
leechbite's avatar




It's back!

Now with more features and slightly better performance.


note: script sources excluded on .wal to reduce filesize but it can be downloaded on built-in browser on the report-a-bug section.


special thanks to skinconsortium.com
© 2008 - 2024 leechbite
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I was using Kameleon 1.5 and then it suddenly stopped working, some kind of script error.  I reverted to version 1.1 and it works but it doesn't have as many color schemes as 1.5.  Is there any way to fix this script error?  I just tried it again today and it crashes my winamp.  And then I have a terrible time reconfiguring it.  All I can do is delete the 1.5 version and revert back to 1.1.  I'd like to have all the color schemes available.  Thanks.