Ruh and Ashleckford on DeviantArt

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Ruh and Ash



Two charcters who have cameos in my web comic TOSS: Ruh is sicence officer of the USS Mumbai, Ash one of the chief engineers of the USS Prospero. At no point in the story do they wander down a corridor together; I am just making the point that they look different from each other.

I am still struggling to work out how to draw these characters. The point is to have people who don’t look like human actors with a funny latex forehead, but this bring s the awkward problem of creating made-up anatomy that still looks convincing. If I was a proper artist I would no doubt spend a few months doing life studies of leopards at the nearest safari park or zoo but for now I just have to try to fake it.
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© 2012 - 2025 leckford
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Kirok-of-LStok's avatar
This is from left field but this reminds a little of Beetlcat's [link] Toby the Targ in the way that it might move. Especially considering that Ruh would need to be able to sit/squat upright and grasp with his/her front limbs