Whatsapp Emoji CollectionLeChuck80 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/lechuck80/art/Whatsapp-Emoji-Collection-357910493LeChuck80

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LeChuck80's avatar

Whatsapp Emoji Collection



Collection of the famous Emoji...used by Whatsapp and so on :)

All of them are size 160x160 and transparent. They are only bitmaps, although I wish I had vectorized, scalable versions.
I got some ideas for which I need these, maybe you find them useful, too. Just download the attached ZIP file - the image above is just an overview ;)

Hope you like them!

Update: as I noticed later, these emoji are protected by Apple copyright stuff, so use with caution. My intention was a strictly private, non-commercial usage. If somebody has the opinion this doesn't belong deviantArt or violates some rules blah blah, report it to the admins. I guess I will remove it then...
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WhatsApp offers a diverse collection of emojis, allowing users to express a wide range of emotions and sentiments in their conversations with ease and creativity.